Gypsy and Traveller Experiences of Crime and Justice Since the 1960s

January 2020 – December 2023

  This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council [ES/S015280/1].


Coretta Phillips

Principal Investigator

Coretta Phillips is a Professor at the LSE, joining the Department of Social Policy in 2001. Coretta's research interests lie in the field of race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice and social policy.

Zoë James

Co-Principal Investigator

Zoë James is a Professor at the University of Plymouth, joining the School of Law, Criminology and Government in 1999. Zoë’s research interests lie in examining hate from a critical perspective with a particular focus on the harms experienced by Gypsies, Travellers and Roma. Zoë's research has explored how mobility, accommodation, policing and planning have impacted on the lived experience of Gypsies, Travellers and Roma.  

Becky Taylor

Co-Principal Investigator

Becky Taylor is a Professor at the University of East Anglia, joining the School of History in 2015. Becky has researched and written extensively on the history of Gypsies and Travellers, migration, the state, minorities and refugees. 


Kitty Lymperopoulou

Dr Kitty Lymperopoulou is a Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth, working with Professor Zoë James. Kitty is a mixed methods social researcher interested in issues relating to ethnicity, inequality, crime and justice. Prior to her current role, she was an ESRC ADR UK Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University working on research concerning ethnic inequalities in the Criminal Justice System. Kitty has also held research posts at the Crime & Well-Being Big Data Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University and the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity at the University of Manchester.

Raegan Booth

Raegan Booth is a Research Assistant at the London School of Economics, working directly with Professor Coretta Phillips. Raegan will be running the crime (victimisation and self-report offending) survey in the London and South-East area. Raegan comes from a Showmen Traveller background and her research interests lie in the fields of ethnicity and crime, with a particular interest on the experiences of Gypsies and Travellers.

Caroline Henderson

Caroline is working as a Research Assistant with Professor Becky Taylor at UEA. Caroline comes from a background in education. She has been working with Gypsy Traveller families in Norfolk for the past 31 years.

Caleb Botton

Caleb Botton is a researcher for the University of East Anglia and is working with Caroline Henderson to carry out the project survey across East Anglia region. He has worked as an Associate Professor for two decades and his background is in law, communication, film and media. He is a British Romany Gypsy.

Kirsty Koral

Kirsty Koral is a Research Assistant at the University of Plymouth, working with Professor Zoë James. Kirsty comes from a background in Marine Policy and Research. However, in 2020 she decided to embark on a career change and has just completed the MSc Psychology (Conversion Course) at the University of Plymouth. Kirsty has most recently been working and researching in the Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence sector, and her research interests lie in the fields of Crime & Criminal Justice.