
These podcasts outline different aspects of the research process and involve all members of the research team from the Realities Checked Study. They have been produced by Rob Giles through Time-Lock Productions. © All rights reserved. 

  • Episode 1

    This episode introduces the research and the core research team. Why we did the research and some of the dilemmas we faced in designing and delivering it.


    Coretta Phillips, Principal Investigator: Professor of Criminology and Social Policy, London School of Economics

    Zoe James, Co-Principal Investigator: Professor of Criminology, University of Plymouth

    Becky Taylor, Co-Principal Investigator: Professor of History, University of East Anglia

  • Episode 2

    This episode provides an opportunity to hear from some of our researchers about their experiences of completing a survey with Gypsies and Travellers.


    Reagan Booth, Research Assistant: Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics

    Caroline Henderson, Research Assistant at University of East Anglia

  • Episode 3

    This episode of the podcast is a discussion between Zoe James and researcher Caleb Botton about his interest in the project, its potential difficulties and legitimacies as an exercise in understanding the experiences of Gypsies and Travellers over time.


    Zoe James, Co-Principal Investigator Professor of Criminology, University of Plymouth

    Caleb Botton, Researcher for the University of East Anglia

  • Episode 4

    This episode of the podcast Zoe James is in conversation with researchers Kirsty Koral and Kitty Lymperopoulou focusing on an analysis of interviews completed with professionals who work with Gypsies and Travellers.


    Zoe James Co-Principal Investigator Professor of Criminology, University of Plymouth

    Kirsty Koral Research Assistant at the University of Plymouth

    Dr Kitty Lymperopoulou Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth

  • Realities Checked Podcast Episode 5

    Episode 5

    In this final episode the principal investigators discuss the key research findings gathered from the large survey, oral histories and extensive archive material.


    Coretta Phillips, Principal Investigator: Professor of Criminology and Social Policy, London School of Economics

    Zoe James, Co-Principal Investigator: Professor of Criminology, University of Plymouth

    Becky Taylor, Co-Principal Investigator: Professor of History, University of East Anglia